Process Execution

 Process Start

A Process Starts by triggering a Start Event that can be any of the following:

1) by Starting the process – StartEvent

2) Signal a message that is declared in a Start Event

3) Signal a timer that is declared in a start event A Process can Have many Start Events. Every time a Start Even is triggered a new Process Instance, namely [[Case]] is created, and therefore, other Start Events will never fire

Sequence Flow

Once the Process is Started by a Start Event, the Event outflows will be executed leading to more [[Process Node|Process Nodes]]. In most cases, Sequence Flow execute the target Node, unless the Flow has a [[Condition|condition]], in this case it will only execute the Target Node if the Condition is met.

End Process

1) End Event

Execution Steps

Activity Life Cycle from OMG specs

Omni Activity workflow

Access Points

  • Execute
  • Invoke
  • Assign
  • Pause
  • Continue
  • Terminate


External Call Events
Execute initialize
Create Case Item
Check for Wait
Assign Assign
  • Invoke
  • Timer due
  • Message/Signal receive
  • User Execute


To send message/signals (_outputData)

User Save Data


To validate user input and message/signals (_inputData)

Save data


To process message/signals (_inputData)

Invoke outgoing flow

0 Initialize

Checks if the Activity is enabled to run Some Nodes are Conditional, this is where the condition will be evaluated, if True will proceed, otherwise it will terminate

1 Start

* Create new Case Item

* Save Status

* Fire Notifications


1.A  Check Wait

* Establish if Activity is Ready to Run or will wait:

* Waiting is done for the following:

** Timer Events – start the timer

** Message Events

** Signal Event

** Receive Task

* User Activities will execute the [[Task Assignment]] and wait as well

2 Subscribe

For Events that require messages or timers

3 Run

* Perform work ** —–all work is done here for tasks——– ** Timers are triggered here ** Messages are sent and received ** Services and actions are performed Execute can be called many times for any step as long as the step did not complete.

4 Finish

* Will Check for all waiting Conditions, if Met will proceed otherwise will stay in Wait Mode

5 Queue Next Nodes

This will evaluate the outgoing flow conditions and determine which notes not be executed and queue those nodes for later execution

6 Terminate

Execution Behaviour (Common to all steps)

A Notification will be issued before and after every step

Execution Rules (in Random order)


Once one event is complete, all others will be terminated

End Event Terminates active nodes

only for the subprocess

[[Gateway Execution]]

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