Omni-Workflow a Workflow Engine for the Web

Workflow and Case Management for WordPress

model demo

Complete Workflow and Case Management

Omni-Workflow is a complete solution for Business Processes and Case Management that works straight out of the box, no programming is required.

100% web based

100% Web based as a WordPress Plugin or stand-alone workflow engine for integration with your web application. No need for tools to download.

Open Source

Open Source, runs on any host supporting WordPress.

BPMN 2.0

Business Process Modeling  Notation is an industry standard graphical presentation of Business Processes. Using a web-based Modeler, you can model your requirements in few minutes, with extensive help and tutorials on the internet. See More

Full lifecycle

Full Life Cycle, Model, Design, Test , Deploy and Monitor.

One place for your entire Workflow lifecycle

Rule Based

User Access (security) and Notification are rule based, no need for programming

Script Editor and Debugger

Define your flow conditions and login in a JavaScript like Script Language (runs on the server) in a secure environment.

Front-End Dashboard

Your users interface with your workflow engine through a user friendly Dashboard

Form Editor

Capture user input using a built-in form editor, supporting jQuery UI and Bootstrap


Customizable to integrate with your Web Application